Sydney - Novotech, a leading biotech specialist CRO in the Asia-Pacific region, is sponsoring the ChinaTrials13 conference and will have teams from Novotech’s China offices attending to support biotechs planning clinical trials in China and the Asia-Pacific region (11-21, November 2021). 

The conference brings together China biotechs as well as regional and international firms looking to expedite quality trials.

Of particular focus is oncology research. According to GlobalData, China has the highest incidence of cancer in the world, accounting for 24% of newly diagnosed cases and 30% of cancer-related deaths worldwide in 2020.

Meet the Novotech team at Booth: #11&12

Presentations by Novotech

Workshop: Navigating the Future of Cell Therapies Development: Unlocking the Full Potential

10th November, 9am – 12pm

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Topics include:

  • CAR-T Therapy: Key considerations during clinical development
  • Execution and quality management for cell therapy clinical development
  • Statistical considerations in CAR-T therapy clinical trials

Key Novotech experts along with industry leaders will present, then open up for discussions around key issues. 

Some of the topics covered at the conference include:

  • The Next Phase of Chinese Innovative Biotech Drug Development
  • China+US Development: Should You File Your IND in the US Before/After or Simultaneously Alongside Your China IND?
  • China CMO Roundtable: What's On the Minds of China's Top CMO's?
  • Decentralized Clinical Studies: How COVID-19 Changed Clinical Development & Lessons Learned
  • Regulatory Insights: Taking Advantage of Fast Track Channels
  • MNC Perspectives: China's New Role in Global Development
  • Global Drug Development 2.0: Borderless Innovation
  • Cell & Gene Therapy Drug Development in China: What's Next?
  • Experience Sharing: China Biotech + MNC Pharma Drug Development Partnerships 
  • Digital Technology to Support Remote Inspection to Accelerate Clinical Research: PI, Site and Sponsor Perspectives
  • Choosing the Right Clinical Development Strategy to Optimize Regulatory Approval Pathway
  • Win From the Start: Early Clinical Research Strategies for Innovative Drugs
  • Strategy & Planning of Innovative Drugs in MRCT
  • How to Design Trials to Better Serve the Needs of Clinical & Needs of Patients
  • Strategies for Moving Quickly from Phase I to Phase II
  • Seamless Global Development from Phase I to III: A Tale of COVID-19 Antibody Cocktail Therapy 
  • Real World Data: The Road to Bringing Innovative Therapies to Patients Faster?

1. Home to around 20% of the world’s population, research regulatory reform creates tremendous opportunity for Western biotechs in China - Clinical Trials Arena


 關於 Novotech

Novotech成立於1997年,是一家可提供全方位服務的專業生物技術合同研究組織 (CRO),致力於加速各階段創新藥物和先進療法的開發。

Novotech因其在行業內的突出貢獻而備受讚譽,曾榮獲多項殊榮,其中包括Frost & Sullivan 2024年全球生物技術CRO獎 (Frost & Sullivan 2024 Global Biotech CRO Award)、2024年優選僱主(2024 Employer of Choice)、2024年美國Great Place to Work(卓越職場)認證(2024 Great Place to Work in the US)、2024年Brandon Hall專業能力和技能發展金獎 (2024 Brandon Hall Gold Award)、2023年CRO領導力獎(CRO Leadership Award 2023)、2023年亞太地區細胞與基因治療臨床試驗卓越獎 (Asia Pacific Cell & Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Excellence 2023) 和自2006年以來蟬聯亞太地區合同研究組織年度公司獎 (Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award)。


