During a panel discussion at this year’s ARCS 2017, Novotech CEO Dr John Moller discussed Australia’s role as a clinical trials gateway into Asia and the important role Australia can play in growing this regional opportunity. 

“Asia is an increasingly attractive destination for later stage clinical trials with a number of governments in the region supporting infrastructure investment, skills development and quality improvement. The pace of change is rapid, and countries such as Korea, Thailand, India and China have all made regulatory changes in the last 12 months that will improve trial attractiveness in these countries.” 

“However, Australia, can remain relevant in the face of regional competition and can play a key role coordinating a pan-Asian approach,” explained Dr Moller, “Australia has an outstanding reputation for quality in clinical trials, and still has the greatest experience in the region, in terms of volume of industry funded trials. Our investigators are very well respected, and lead the tables for international collaboration, and so we are well placed to lead regional initiatives and manage multi-country trials. Australia’s regulatory processes are also the fastest in the region, and so Australian teams will often have early insights into some of the challenges that may be involved in effectively conducting a particular trial.” 

Novotech continues to expand its business with the recent launch of a new central labs service in Australia; and in South Korea, with the establishment of a new site monitoring (SMO) business and the signing to two MOUs with leading clinical trial networks. 

For more information about the untapped clinical trial benefits available in Australia and Asia, 
Download a free copies of the Frost & Sullivan white papers, ‘Asia: Preferred Destination for Clinical Trials’ or ‘Australia: Preferred Destination for Early Stage Research’, or feel free to contact us

About Novotech - www.novotech-cro.com 
Headquartered in Sydney, Novotech is internationally recognised as the leading regional full-service contract research organisation (CRO). With a focus on clinical monitoring, Novotech has been instrumental in the success of hundreds of Phase I - IV clinical trials in the Asia Pacific region. 
Novotech provides clinical development services across all clinical trial phases and therapeutic areas including: feasibility assessments; ethics committee and regulatory submissions, data management, statistical analysis, medical monitoring, safety services, central lab services, report write-up to ICH requirements, project and vendor management. Novotech’s strong Asia Pacific presence included running clinical trials in all key regional markets. Novotech also has worldwide reach through the company's network of strategic partners. 
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Corporate enquiries: Please contact Marketing & Communications Manager Justine Lamond on +61 2 8569 1458 or communications@novotech-cro.com
