Boston, USA – Novotech, the global full-service clinical Contract Research Organization (CRO) that partners with biotech companies to accelerate the development of advanced and novel therapeutics at every phase, has today released a significant research report entitled Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) - Global Clinical Trial Landscape. 

This expert monthly report, provided by the Novotech research analyst team is free of charge.  It highlights promising new developments in CLL research and therapies, offering industry-leading and in-depth analysis of the disease's epidemiology, clinical trial activity, treatment options, and funding landscape. The analysis identifies the exciting progress being made in CLL research, and key opportunities for advancing treatment strategies globally. 

CLL, a slow-growing leukemia affecting older adults, has shown diverse epidemiological patterns across different regions. In 2022, an estimated 121,000 CLL cases were documented globally, with Europe and North America accounting for the majority. Europe reported close to 32,000 cases, led by Germany with 4,500 cases. The United States alone contributed approximately 19,000 cases.  

The incidence of CLL in Asia is generally lower than in Western countries, with China reporting 10 to 20 times fewer cases than the United States.  Asia has an estimated nearly 11,000 cases, with China and India accounting for around 4,000 and 2,000 cases, respectively. In other Asian locations, including Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, and Malaysia, the collective estimated CLL incidence surpassed 1,500 cases. 

Treatment for CLL varies based on genetic markers, disease stage, and prior treatment responses. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) provide guidelines that emphasize targeted therapies and immunotherapies. The development of drugs like Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors (BTKis) and BCL-2 inhibitors, as well as advancements in CAR T-cell therapy, represent significant strides in improving patient outcomes. 

The clinical trial landscape for CLL shows a robust global effort to advance treatment options and understand the disease. Since 2019, over 1,000 clinical trials have been initiated worldwide, with North America leading at 37% of these trials, followed closely by the Asia-Pacific region at 34%, Europe at 20%, and the rest of the world (ROW) at 8%. Within North America, the United States hosts the vast majority, accounting for 85% of all North American trials. In Asia-Pacific, Mainland China plays a pivotal role, conducting 44% of trials in the region and in Europe Novotech’s research found significant participation from countries like Spain, France, and Italy. 

Interestingly, despite the lower incidence of CLL in Asian countries, the report uncovered that the Asia-Pacific region exhibits a trial density about seven times lower than the United States and approximately three times lower than Europe. This discrepancy highlights both the potential for increased research engagement in Asia-Pacific countries and the relative concentration of clinical trial activity in more densely populated regions.  

The report also provides a SWOT analysis, highlighting the strengths in targeted therapies and advanced diagnostics. Opportunities lie in next-generation therapies and personalized treatment approaches, while challenges include high treatment costs and potential drug resistance. 

Key takeaways from the report: 
 The average enrolment period in the United States is 43.92 months, significantly longer than Asia-Pacific's 21.70 months, yet both regions show similar recruitment efficiency. 

  • CLL drug development includes 24 drugs in preclinical stages, 33 in Phase I, 30 in Phase II, and 4 in Phase III. Additionally, 5 drugs have received approval, and 26 are already marketed. 
  • The majority of marketed drugs for CLL are DNA Synthesis inhibitors and B Lymphocyte Antigen CD20 inhibitors. Bruton Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors dominate ongoing Phase III trials. 
  • From 2019 to 2023, China led venture capital funding for CLL research with $1,813 million, followed closely by the United States with $1,805.6 million. The CLL Society and the CLL Foundation in the United States play significant roles in funding CLL research and supporting patients. 
  • Significant advancements outlined in the report in targeted therapies, immunotherapy (CAR T-cell therapy), and precision medicine have improved CLL treatment outcomes. Companies like AbbVie Inc., BeiGene Ltd., and Celltrion Inc. are actively developing new therapies, paving the way for improved management of this complex disease. 
  • Future research is exploring mitochondrial, glucose, glutamine, and lipid pathways as therapeutic targets, while high treatment costs and potential drug resistance pose challenges. 

Download the report here 

关于 Novotech

Novotech(诺为泰)成立于 1997 年,立足亚太,面向全球,是专业的生物技术合同研究组织(CRO)。

诺为泰因其在行业内的突出贡献而备受赞誉,曾荣获多项殊荣,其中包括 2023 年 CRO 领导力奖 (CRO Leadership Award 2023) 、2023 年亚太地区细胞与基因治疗临床试验卓越奖 (Asia Pacific Cell & Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Excellence 2023)和自 2006 年以来蝉联亚太地区合同研究组织年度公司奖 (Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award)。

诺为泰是一家包含实验室、Ⅰ期临床中心、药物开发咨询服务和专业FDA法规服务的临床CRO,拥有超5,000 项临床项目经验,包括Ⅰ期至Ⅳ期临床试验。Novotech专注于服务在亚太、美国与欧洲等地进行临床试验的生物技术客户。Novotech目前在全球34个办公地点共拥有3000多名员工。

