Novotech, the Asia Pacific centered biotech specialist CRO, presents “The Next Big Thing in Cancer Care” expert panel webinar in collaboration with eChinaHealth and the ASCO Breakthrough program committee. 

Novotech’s Asia Pacific operations support expedited oncology clinical trials by offering access to vast patient populations, deep local regulatory knowledge, an extensive site and KOL network, and data quality excellence.

The Asia Pacific has seen a 100% growth in oncology trials during 2017 to 2021 and contributes to more than a third of the global clinical development of immune-oncology drugs.

“By the end of 2021 40% of active immuno-oncology clinical trials involved at least one location in the Asia-Pacific region, with majority of trials conducted in China, followed by Australia, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan,” according to GlobaData.

Register for the webinar here: Registration

Webinar Date/Time:

  • 5-6:30 pm (PST) / 8-9:30 pm (EST), Sunday, Jan. 8th, 2023 / 9-10:30 am, Monday, Jan 9th (Beijing Time) 


  • Zoom Webinar (No charge)


  • English, with Chinese simultaneous translation


The webinar is moderated by Dr. Peter Yu, Physician-in-Chief, Hartford HealthCare, ASCO President for 2014-2015 term

The program features:

Drugging the Undrugable

  • Dr. Lillian Siu, Professor, University of Toronto; Chair, Program Committee, ASCO Breakthrough 2023

CAR-T and Adoptive Cell Therapies

  • Dr. David Lebwohl, CMO, Intellia Therapeutics

Precision Oncology, AI and Next Generation Multiomic Technology

  • Dr. Melvin Chua Lee Kiang, Associate Professor, National Cancer Centre Singapore; Chair-Elect, Program Committee, ASCO Breakthrough 2023

Novotech has more than 50 Leading Site Partnership agreements with major medical research institutions in Asia Pacific delivering exclusive benefits for sponsors.

The latest industry research publication by GlobalData and Novotech found almost 50% of new trials have sites in Asia Pacific.

According to the new publication titled State of the Global Biotech Landscape: Where the Opportunities Lie, demand for Asia Pacific trial sites is strong with almost half of the more than 27,000 clinical trials initiated in 2021 having sites in Asia Pacific.

The data shows almost 12,900 of the new trials had sites in Asia Pacific.

Download the report here

The report also noted that the Asia Pacific region, which has more than 6,772 trial sites each with access to an average of 2,136 million people, has considerable underutilized capacity presenting an opportunity for growth in multinational trials in the region. 

Novotech this month was awarded the Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year Award 2022 for Best Practices in the Asia-Pacific contract research organization industry. Novotech has been a recipient of the Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices awards since 2006.

Frost & Sullivan said:

“Our approach involves the deployment of best practices and strategic analytics across a value chain. Against this backdrop, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Novotech for its valuable achievement.

Novotech addresses the global drug development market’s unmet needs with a strong leadership focus that incorporates client-centric strategies with best-practice implementation.

From feasibility assessments to regulatory submission support, data management, medical monitoring, and project management, the company provides a 360-degree approach to drug development for its biotech clients.”

Novotech also recently produced a new publication for biotechs considering China for their clinical research, and the relevant processes required for global regulatory approvals.

The report details regulatory requirements for biotechs including NDA and IND processes as well as ex-US research guidance for a successful US FDA approval pathway.

Novotech provides the relevant regulatory knowledge and drug development pathways specifically designed to support the US FDA approval process, avoiding delays and additional costs.

Download whitepaper here 

Novotech has also recently been benchmarked as a top 10 CRO among the world’s leading CROs, is a finalist in the prestigious Scrip awards, and has just been awarded the Gene & Cell Therapy Excellence Award. 

 關於 Novotech

Novotech成立於1997年,是一家可提供全方位服務的專業生物技術合同研究組織 (CRO),致力於加速各階段創新藥物和先進療法的開發。

Novotech因其在行業內的突出貢獻而備受讚譽,曾榮獲多項殊榮,其中包括Frost & Sullivan 2024年全球生物技術CRO獎 (Frost & Sullivan 2024 Global Biotech CRO Award)、2024年優選僱主(2024 Employer of Choice)、2024年美國Great Place to Work(卓越職場)認證(2024 Great Place to Work in the US)、2024年Brandon Hall專業能力和技能發展金獎 (2024 Brandon Hall Gold Award)、2023年CRO領導力獎(CRO Leadership Award 2023)、2023年亞太地區細胞與基因治療臨床試驗卓越獎 (Asia Pacific Cell & Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Excellence 2023) 和自2006年以來蟬聯亞太地區合同研究組織年度公司獎 (Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award)。


