Boston, USA - Novotech, the leading Asia Pacific centred biotech CRO with global execution capabilities, today released the latest 2023 global clinical trial landscape reports on dyslipidaemia and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

The Novotech research analyst team offers these expert reports monthly at no cost.  

These reports provide up-to-date information on global clinical trial activity, shedding 

light on the regions that are witnessing the highest trial numbers and the reasons driving these trends. It also addresses the challenges confronting biotech companies in these specific therapeutic domains and the future directions in therapy and investment trends.

The expert report titled Dyslipidaemia - Global Clinical Trial Landscape found that since 2018, the biopharma industry has initiated over 500 dyslipidaemia clinical trials worldwide, with the majority of them occurring in the Asia-Pacific region. 

Dyslipidaemia, marked by abnormal blood lipids, significantly increases ischemic heart disease risk. Over the past three decades, global dyslipidaemia rates have surged, emphasizing a pressing public health concern.

The report analysed global trial data and found:

  • APAC contributed >65% of dyslipidaemia trials, notably driven by Mainland China and South Korea
  • In the West, North America and Europe have also played crucial roles, conducting nearly 30% of the trials, with the US and Canada contributing 69% and 31% of trials respectively. 
  • In Europe, the UK, the Netherlands, and Poland stand out as the leaders in hosting dyslipidaemia trials, demonstrating the region’s dedication and advancement in this field.
  • APAC has not only demonstrated considerably shorter recruitment durations but has also shown notably faster patient recruitment rates. 

The report also referenced 2022 prevalence data provided by GlobalData, revealing that China and India have the highest incidence of dyslipidaemia among Asian regions. In the Asia Pacific region, Japan follows closely with more than 44 million cases, with South Korea and Australia also showing substantial numbers. In the Western countries, the United States has a significant burden with over 130 million cases, while the EU5 countries, including Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom, collectively account for more than 110 million cases of dyslipidaemia.


The  Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Global Clinical Trial Landscape report found that since 2018, the biopharma industry has initiated over 3,000 NSCLC clinical trials worldwide.

More than 50% of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) trials were conducted in North America and Europe, with the United States and Canada in North America, and Spain and France in Europe taking the lead in trial locations. The data from the report indicates that the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region accounted for approximately 40% of NSCLC trials. Mainland China and South Korea emerged as prominent hubs for NSCLC research in the APAC region, owing to their advanced research facilities and favorable regulatory environments.

The rest of the world (South and Central America and the Middle East and Africa) accounts for roughly 8% of all clinical trials carried out, making a valuable contribution to the worldwide collaborative endeavors in NSCLC drug research and development.

The report also noted:

  • NSCLC is the most common lung cancer which accounts for about 85% of all lung cancer cases worldwide. 
  • Asia, particularly Japan, China, and India, takes the lead in terms of NSCLC cases.
  • The US and Europe together comprise around 30% of NSCLC cases.
  • APAC shows shorter recruitment durations compared to Europe and the US, recruiting patients at roughly double the rate of the US.

The report found that marketed treatments for NSCLC primarily include small-molecule drugs like erlotinib and gefitinib, along with anti-cancer drugs such as bevacizumab and alectinib. Phase III development for NSCLC involves a range of molecules, including bispecific or multispecific antibodies and small molecules. 

Immunotherapy, which uses the body's immune system to fight NSCLC has emerged as a viable treatment option, providing hope for improved prognosis and enhanced quality of life for patients.


Novotech has more than 3,000 employees operating across 25 geographies, with 34 office locations, including the US, Greater China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.

The CRO offers biotechs a unique and unparalleled suite of early to late-phase services across the US and Europe, with a foundation in Asia Pacific where the company has built a reputation for delivering high-quality expedited clinical trials. 

Recognized for its industry-leading contributions, Novotech has received numerous prestigious awards, including the CRO Leadership Award 2023 and the Asia Pacific Cell & Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Excellence 2022 and 2023 awards. Additionally, the company has been honored with the Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award each year since 2006. Its commitment to collaboration is evident in the 50 Leading Site Partnership agreements it has signed over the past three years.

Novotech 기업 소개

1997년 설립된 노보텍은 글로벌 풀서비스 CRO이며 바이오텍과의 파트너십을 통해 임상의 모든 단계에서 혁신적이면서도 새로운 치료제 개발을 가속화하는데 주력하고 있습니다. 

CRO 업계를 주도적으로 이끌어온 공로를 인정받은 노보텍은 2006년부터 CRO Leadership Award 2023, Best Cell & Gene Therapy CRO 2023 상, Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award 2023 등 다수의 권위 있는 상을 수상하였습니다. 

노보텍은 연구소, 임상 1상 시험 기관, 약물 개발 컨설팅 서비스, FDA 규제 전문성을 갖춘 임상 CRO 기업으로 1상에서 4상까지의 임상시험과 생물학적 동등성 연구를 포함해 5,000건 이상의 임상 프로젝트에 참여한 경험이 있습니다. 노보텍은 전 세계 지역에 걸쳐 34개 오피스와 3,000명 이상의 직원을 보유하고 있으며 신뢰할 수 있는 완전한 형태의 전략 파트너입니다. 

보다 더 자세한 정보를 원하거나 전문가 팀에게 문의할 사항이 있을 경우, 회사 홈페이지(를 방문하시기 바랍니다. 

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