Partnering with patients on clinical trials

位置: Virtual Event



Join us for the Novotech-sponsored panel discussion Partnering with patients on clinical trials as part of Endpoints Clinical Trials Day 2024. 

Patients are often an overlooked consideration in clinical trial design, leading to costly delays that can disrupt timelines and derail progress. This expert-led panel will explore best practices for incorporating patient feedback to accelerate recruitment, engage patients directly in trial design, and foster meaningful collaboration to ensure trial success. 


  • Scott Schliebner, VP, Drug Development Consulting, Novotech 
  • Melody Burchett, President, A Cure in Sight 
  • Dr. Layla Hosseini-Gerami, Chief Data Science Officer, Ignota Labs 
  • Ken Getz, Executive Director, Research Professor (PHCM), Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. 
  • John Carroll, Founder & Editor, Endpoints News (Moderator) 

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Scott Schliebner

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