Boston, USA Novotech, the global full-service clinical Contract Research Organization (CRO) that partners with biotech companies to accelerate the development of advanced and novel therapeutics at every phase, has released a comprehensive research report - Endometrial cancer - Global Clinical Trial Landscape.  

The report provides insights and key data on the global landscape of clinical trials for uterine cancer, primarily endometrial cancer (EC), focusing on prevalence, funding landscape, emerging trends, therapies, trial density, and patient recruitment for trial planning and research. 

Since 2018, over 1,200 EC clinical trials have been initiated worldwide, with North America and Asia-Pacific contributing 39% and 33% of trials, respectively, followed by Europe at 22%. 

EC ranks as the second most common, and fourth leading, cause of death globally among gynecology malignancies. In 2022 alone, there were nearly 420,370 new cases of EC globally, with approximately 97,720 deaths.  

  • Asia (167,430) accounts for nearly 40% of global cases of EC in 2022 
  • Europe (124,874)  
  • North America (73,977) 

Within Asia: 

  • Mainland China reported the highest incidence with 77,722 cases 
  • The United States had the second-highest incidence globally with 66,055 cases, accompanied by the highest ASR of 22.5 per 100,000 population 
  • In Europe, Russia reported the third-highest incidence with 29,852 cases 

Currently, the standard of care for EC is surgery with either partial or total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TH/BSO). For recurrent EC patients, treatments vary based on extent and prior success, including surgery, radiation, and systemic therapy such as chemotherapy and hormonal therapy.  

The report notes that projections for EC show an increase in new cases over the next 25 years, potentially surpassing 600,000 annual new cases by 2044.  

This demand for therapies has seen EC clinical trial activity increase globally from 2014 to 2023, with the Asia-Pacific region experiencing the highest increase with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.9%. ROW followed closely at 14.9%, and the North American and European regions showed a steady growth rate at 9.7% and 5.2% respectively.  

Similarly, the funding landscape is strong with the United States dominating in venture capital funding for EC research between 2019 and 2023, followed by China, with investments totalling $2129 million and $894 million, respectively. Public funding initiatives in Australia and the United States focused on expanding and improving the quality of care.  

Further key clinical trial trend and treatment developments from the report include:  

  • The United States led trial activity in North America, while Mainland China led in the Asia-Pacific region, followed by Australia and South Korea. 
  • The trial phase trends show North America and Asia-Pacific conducting a higher volume of early and mid-phase trials (Phase 1 and 2), while Europe and the ROW concentrate on later-stage trials (Phase 3). 
  • Asia-Pacific demonstrates the shortest median enrollment period (15.1 months) and the highest median recruitment rate (1.1 subjects per site per month), indicating efficient patient recruitment. 
  • There are approximately six drugs in preclinical stages, 15 in Phase I trials, and 12 in combined Phase I/II studies. 
  • In Phase III trials, Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 1 Inhibitor dominates the mechanism of action (MOA), followed by Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Antagonist and Poly [ADP Ribose] Polymerase 1 Inhibitor. 
  • Marketed drugs for EC mainly target DNA synthesis inhibitors, progesterone receptor agonists, and tubulin inhibitors. 

The Novotech research analyst team provides these expert reports every month, completely free of charge. In addition to the highlights above, the report provides an in-depth SWOT analysis, to guide biotech firms on strategic decision-making, research opportunities, and challenges. They tackle the potential and real hurdles biotech firms face in specific therapeutic areas in the hopes of positively impacting and informing clinical trial decision-making, eventually improving success rates with new treatments.   

Download the report here  

Novotech 기업 소개

1997년 설립된 노보텍은 글로벌 풀서비스 CRO이며 바이오텍과의 파트너십을 통해 임상의 모든 단계에서 혁신적이면서도 새로운 치료제 개발을 가속화하는데 주력하고 있습니다. 

CRO 업계를 주도적으로 이끌어온 공로를 인정받은 노보텍은 2006년부터 CRO Leadership Award 2023, Best Cell & Gene Therapy CRO 2023 상, Asia-Pacific Contract Research Organization Company of the Year Award 2023 등 다수의 권위 있는 상을 수상하였습니다. 

노보텍은 연구소, 임상 1상 시험 기관, 약물 개발 컨설팅 서비스, FDA 규제 전문성을 갖춘 임상 CRO 기업으로 1상에서 4상까지의 임상시험과 생물학적 동등성 연구를 포함해 5,000건 이상의 임상 프로젝트에 참여한 경험이 있습니다. 노보텍은 전 세계 지역에 걸쳐 34개 오피스와 3,000명 이상의 직원을 보유하고 있으며 신뢰할 수 있는 완전한 형태의 전략 파트너입니다. 

보다 더 자세한 정보를 원하거나 전문가 팀에게 문의할 사항이 있을 경우, 회사 홈페이지(를 방문하시기 바랍니다. 

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