Discover the latest advancement in gastric cancer through Novotech CRO's in-depth disease analysis. Gain insights into novel therapeutic approaches, clinical trials, and future innovations shaping the future of gastric cancer care.
Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and a leading cause of cancer mortality. Risk factors include family history, Helicobacter pylori infection, diet, and lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol use. Early-stage gastric cancer often presents with minimal symptoms, but advanced stages can lead to health issues like weight loss, abdominal pain, and fatigue. Survival rates vary widely depending on the stage at diagnosis, with five-year survival rates of 75% for localized stages, 35% for regional stages, and 7% for metastatic stages. Globally, gastric cancer remains a major health burden, with nearly 970,000 new cases reported in 2022. Incidence rates are highest in Asia, followed by Europe, North America, and the rest of the world reflecting the complex epidemiology of the disease.
In terms of the gastric cancer treatment landscape, surgery, radiation therapy, and systemic approaches like chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy play important roles. NCCN, ESMO, and ESMO PAGA guidelines recommend platinum-based chemotherapy with fluoropyrimidine in first-line settings, adding trastuzumab for HER2-positive cancer. For PD-L1 positive cases, nivolumab or pembrolizumab is recommended. For second-line treatment, ramucirumab plus paclitaxel is preferred, with alternatives like docetaxel or irinotecan. These treatment options offer a tailored approach to managing gastric cancer effectively.
Since 2019, the biotech and biopharma industry initiated over 2,000 gastric cancer trials. Asia-Pacific led in the number of clinical trials conducted, followed by North America, Europe, and the rest of the world. Mainland China is prominent in the Asia-Pacific region, while the United States leads in North America. Spain and France play major roles in gastric cancer trials in Europe. Israel contributes moderately to the rest of the world's trials. In terms of patient recruitment trends, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region show similar recruitment rates.
Shifting focus to the marketed and pipeline drugs for gastric cancer, there are various marketed drugs from companies like Amgen Inc., and Biocon Ltd. along with other promising options in late-stage development. Marketed drugs for gastric cancer focus on HER2-targeting antibodies (e.g., trastuzumab) and PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors (e.g., pembrolizumab, nivolumab). Additionally, phase III trials are advancing with immunotherapies (e.g., durvalumab, ipilimumab) and antibody-drug conjugates (e.g., trastuzumab emtansine). These developments offer new hope for improved outcomes in gastric cancer treatment for patients.
To conclude, gastric cancer remains a significant global health concern, yet research and treatment are rapidly evolving with an increasing understanding of the disease's complexity. Systemic therapies, including perioperative chemotherapy, have advanced and become standard for resectable cases. Ongoing research focuses on enhancing treatment through targeted therapies and immunotherapy in both perioperative and adjuvant settings. For metastatic gastric cancer, new immunotherapy and biomarker-directed therapies like PD-L1, MSI, and HER2 offer personalized options. Moreover, advances in molecular diagnostics are also identifying new therapeutic targets, paving the way for more effective and tailored treatments.
Novotech, a global clinical CRO, has partnered with numerous biotech companies and completed hundreds of oncology projects, including those in immuno-oncology and advanced therapies for indications such as gastric cancer. Novotech supports over 5,000 clinical projects across all phases and bioequivalence studies. Recognized for its contributions, Novotech has received the CRO Leadership Award 2023 and has been the Asia-Pacific CRO Company of the Year since 2006.
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