位置: Munich, Germany
活动简介: Join Novotech at Bio Europe 2023! We're thrilled to announce Novotech's presence at Bio Europe 2023, the premier event in the life sciences and biotechnology sector. Europe stands out as a compelling hub for clinical development. The region's well-established centralized healthcare infrastructure, a pool of highly educated investigators, and a pervasive interest in clinical research all contribute to the high quality and competitive prices it offers. Novotech's expansion into Europe is set to revolutionize clinical research in the region. Our dedicated project teams, unwavering commitment to quality, and exclusive tax benefits for French clients make Novotech the partner of choice for cutting-edge research endeavors. Don't miss the chance to connect with us at Bio Europe 2023 and discover how Novotech is shaping the future of clinical development in Europe.
John Moller
Mark Anderson
Bianca Klaus
Yvonne Tretter
Jan Rezulski
Nicklas Lindberg