依類型篩選 全部顯示 頁面 解決方案 專業服務 報告 新聞 文章 網路研討會 活動 地點 問與答 案例研究 白皮書 Filter By 任何 頁面 解決方案 專業服務 報告 新聞 文章 網路研討會 活動 地點 問與答 案例研究 白皮書 2017/7/24 新聞 Novotech - A Catalyst for Growth and a Better Tomorrow The cost of research for new drugs has almost tripled over the last 25 years and new models are e... 報告 2010/8/25 新聞 Novotech leads the fast growing Asia Pacific clinical research sector with another Frost & Sullivan… Sydney, Australia, February 17, 2015... 報告 2025/3/31 新聞 Novotech welcomes new investment from GIC, Temasek, and existing investor TPG to accelerate global… Sydney, 31 March 2025 – Novotech, a globally recognized full-ser... 報告 2021/2/11 新聞 Celebrating International Day for Women and Girls in Science 2021 Thursday 11 February 2021... 報告 2021/9/7 新聞 Novotech named as one the Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2021 Taipei, 7 September 2021&nbs... 報告 2015/1/19 新聞 CIO Novotech Selects Oracle’s Siebel Clinical Trial Management... 報告 2018/8/1 新聞 Novotech wins 2017 Asia Pacific Biotech CRO award Leading Asia Pacific CRO Novotech has won Asia Pacific Biotech CRO Company of The Yea... 報告 2010/6/4 新聞 Australian clinical research company expands operation in Hong Kong Sydney-based Novotech today (January 15) announced that it has expanded its Hong Kong operation i... 報告 2018/8/24 新聞 Novotech in new research collaboration: Biotechnology News LEADING Australian contract clinical research company Novotech, Marine Biotechnology Australia an... 報告 2020/8/26 新聞 Novotech the Asia-Pacific CRO Leader – Awarded '2020 Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific CRO Company of… Sydney - Australia – Novotech, the largest biotech specialist CRO in the Asia-Pa... 報告 2021/8/3 新聞 Novotech Awarded 2021 Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific CRO Company of the Year for Fifth Consecutive… Novotech Health Holdings Pte. Ltd.... 報告 2017/10/5 新聞 Novotech Awarded Asia-Pacific Biotech CRO of the Year - Announced at ASCO The announcement was made at the ASCO Annual Meeting (May 31 - June 4, 2019 McCormick Place... 報告 2016/1/8 新聞 Novotech initiates cancer trials in Australia and New Zealand for Oncomed Pharmaceuticals Novotech initiates cancer trials in Australia and New Zealand for Oncomed Pharmaceuticals... 報告 2022/12/15 新聞 Data Shows 50% of New Trials Have Sites in Asia Pacific Novotech, the Asia Pacific centered biotech specialist CRO said the latest industry research publ... 報告 2022/7/19 Webinar Evolution of cell & gene therapy in China: the case for universal CAR-T China now represents 60% of clinical development in CAR-T therapy development globally: what have we learned to date and where… 觀看 2017/12/11 新聞 TheraVida Initiates Phase 2 Trial of THVD-201 for Overactive Bladder and Urinary Incontinence:… TheraVida Initiates Phase 2 Trial of T... 報告 2021/10/7 新聞 Novotech and ObvioHealth are finalists for the Clinical Partnership of the Year Citeline Award 2021 Hong Kong - Novotech, a leading biotech specialist CRO in the Asia-Pacific regio... 報告 2022/1/25 新聞 Prospection and Novotech Partner To Accelerate Clinical Trials with Real World Evidence Global healthcare data technology company, Prospection... 報告 2023/7/10 新聞 Novotech 將在 2023 年韓國生物製藥技術展上舉辦臨牀試驗成功因素技術研討會 韓國首爾, July 11, 2023 -- Novotech 是一間亞太地區領先且具有全球營運能力的生物科技合同研究組織 (CRO),其將在 2023 年韓國生物製藥技術展 (BIOPLUS-... 報告 2020/4/9 新聞 Novotech selected for new COVID-19 Clinical Trial in Asia-Pacific Novotech has been engaged by Revive Therapeutics Lt... 報告 2023/10/11 新聞 Novotech 蟬聯 Frost & Sullivan 年度 CRO 公司獎 波士頓, Oct.... 報告 2011/7/5 新聞 NOVOGEN ENGAGES CONTRACT RESEARCH ORGANISATION TO CONDUCT CANTRIXIL PHASE 1 CLINICAL TRIAL Sydney, November 24, 2015 - US-Australian drug discovery company, Novogen Limited (ASX:NRT: NASDA... 報告 2023/9/24 新聞 Novotech 榮獲 2023 年細胞與基因治療 CRO 卓越獎 新加坡, Sept.... 報告 2018/8/8 新聞 Alchemia Recruits Full Patient Quota to Pivotal Phase III HAIrinotecan Trial in Metastatic… Brisbane, Australia 4th Feb 2013: Brisbane-based drug discovery and development company Alchemia... 報告 2018/1/8 新聞 Novotech CRO Expands China Team as Biotech Demand for Clinical Trials Increases up to 79% Originally published on ... 報告 2023/10/13 新聞 Novotech 宣布重要領導任命:北美常務董事 Rick Farris 和生物辨識技術與資料全球副總裁 Dr. David Ng 波士頓, Oct.... 報告 2014/5/10 新聞 Novotech announces four country Asia expansion at AusBiotech 2009 October 27, 2009... 報告 2023/1/10 新聞 Novotech Acquires European CRO – Strengthens Global Operations Novotech announced today the acquisition of EastHORN, a European CRO with clinical, medical and r... 報告 2023/7/12 新聞 Novotech 入圍 2023 年亞太細胞和基因療法 CRO 卓越獎決賽 新加坡, July 14, 2023 -- 以亞太區為中心,擁有全球營運能力的生物科技 CRO 領導者 Novotech,成為 2023... 報告 2018/6/7 新聞 Sponsors Recommend Novotech for CRO Leadership Award Asia-Pacific specialist CRO Novotech has been awarded the “Exceeded Customer Expectations” Award... 報告 2023/9/14 新聞 Novotech 发布胆囊癌临床试验全球综合情况报告 波士顿,2023 年 9 月 7 日-- 以亚太地区为中心、具有国际执行能力的专业生物技术 CRO... 報告 2023/1/10 新聞 Novotech Acquires US-based Drug Development Consulting Firm, CBR International - Expands Drug… Novotech, the leading Asia Pacific centered biotech CRO today announced the acquisition of CBR In... 報告 2013/6/23 新聞 iTnews Novotech runs clinical trials on Oracle 26th October 2010... 報告 2022/12/19 新聞 Novotech is Gold Sponsor at Biotech Showcase 2023 Novotech, the Asia Pacific centered biotech specialist CRO is proud to be Gold Sponsor at Biotech... 報告 2023/1/5 新聞 Novotech Team Joins BIO Partnering at JPM 2023 Novotech, the Asia Pacific centered biotech specialist CRO, will attend JPM 2023 and experts from... 報告 2017/11/30 新聞 Why South Korea Is The Hottest Growth Spot For Clinical Trials By Ed Miseta, Chief Editor, Clinical Leader – Originally published in Life Science Leader mag... 報告 2022/12/21 新聞 Novotech Sponsors “The Next Big Thing in Cancer Care” Webinar - CAR-T, Precision Oncology, AI and… Novotech, the Asia Pacific centered biotech specialist CRO, presents “The Next Big Thing in Cance... 報告 2015/11/27 新聞 Novotech kicks off Phase Ib trials in Australia and NZ for OncoMed Novotech kicks off Phase Ib trials in Australia and NZ for OncoMed... 報告 2018/4/20 新聞 Pharma Tech Outlook Magazine features Novotech in the top 10 CROs of the year See Top 10 CRO article here... 報告 2016/12/2 新聞 Novotech signs central lab services agreement with Sonic Clinical Trials 19 June 2017, Sydney, Australia: Asia Pacific specialist CRO Novotech annou... 報告 2020/3/21 新聞 Novotech Tapped for Two Informa Pharma Intelligence Citeline Awards for Excellence in Asia-Pacific… Sydney, Australia - Asia-Pacific’s largest specialist biotech CRO Novotech has b... 報告 2020/12/29 新聞 Novotech Health Holdings Appoints Zidong Zhang as CFO SHANGHAI and SYDNEY, 29 December 2020 – Novotech Health Holdings (“Novotech Hold... 報告 2011/7/5 新聞 Novotech wins ‘Australian Exporter of The Year’ at the India Australia Business Community Awards Novotech has been awarded ‘Australian Exporter of The Year’ the 2017 Indian Australia Business Co... 報告 2013/2/4 新聞 Novotech recognised as Asia Pacific growth leader by Frost & Sullivan research analysts Sydney, Australia:&nb... 報告 2017/9/20 新聞 Novotech announces transition of CEO role “John brings tremendous leadership to Novotech, and a proven track record of success.... 報告 2024/9/10 新聞 Novotech憑藉其生物技術CRO服務方面的領導力,榮膺Frost & Sullivan「2024全球年度公司獎」 美國波士頓——2024年9月10日——作為一家可提供全方位服務的臨床合同研究組織 (CRO),Novotech榮膺由國際專業諮詢機構Frost & Su... 報告 2020/9/21 新聞 Novotech Finalist in Pharma Intelligence Citeline Awards 2020 Sydney, Australia – Novotech, the largest biotech specialist CRO in the Asia-Pac... 報告 2016/6/27 新聞 CentreWatch Weekly covers Novotech's rapid growth in South Korea July has been a big month for Novotech in South Korea.... 報告 2009/10/27 新聞 Novotech CEO to speak on Clinical Projects – Faster and Smarter it’s All in the Planning at the… Novotech CEO to speak on Clinical Projects – Faster and Smarter it’s All in the Planning... 報告 2020/3/6 新聞 Novotech Wins CRO Contract for Komipharm Coronavirus Covid-19 Clinical Trial in South Korea Seoul, South Korea - Asia-Pacific’s largest specialist biotech CRO Novotech has... 報告 2017/7/31 新聞 Novotech CRO Says Australia is Gateway to Asia Clinical Research, at Industry Event in Seoul Asia-Pacific specialist CRO Novotech presented Australia's R&D Refund and Simplified Reg... 報告 2019/3/27 新聞 Trials In Focus April 19, 2010 Novotech partners with Citeline... 報告 2019/9/12 新聞 Novotech CRO says South Korea’s Five-Year Plan for the Advancement of Clinical Trials will further… Asia-Pacific specialist CRO Novotech has welcomed the South Korean ... 報告 2018/5/1 新聞 Australia and Asia Pacific offer international biotech industry a wealth of clinical trial and… Australia and the Asia Pacific are fast becoming the destination of choice for the over US$140 bi... 報告 2018/6/1 新聞 Novotech and CNS deal expands CRO services for biopharma clients across Asia-Pacific Novotech the largest Asia-Pacific-based CRO has acquired Australasian specialist CRO Clinical Net... 報告 2019/10/2 新聞 Novotech CRO Finalist in International Health Awards 2019 Sydney, Australia - Asia-Pacific specialist CRO Novotech ... 報告 2022/12/16 新聞 CEO End of year announcement December 2022 ... 報告 2016/11/2 新聞 Novotech CRO strengthens South Korean clinical capabilities by partnering with major hospitals Novotech, the award-winning Asia-Pacific CRO, with 23 years of experience in the region, has furt... 報告 2010/10/26 新聞 NOVOTECH CRO ANNOUNCES MOU WITH KOREA DRUG DEVELOPMENT FUND (KDDF) AT DIA 2014 San Diego, CA, June 15, 2014 | Novotech, Australia’s largest clinical CRO w... 報告 2021/9/20 新聞 Novotech Showcases Asia-Pacific Success as a Rare Diseases Clinical Trial Hub Hong Kong - Novotech, a leading biotech specialist CRO in the Asia-Pacific regio... 報告 2021/3/21 Webinar 在中國進行臨床試驗的優勢 本次網路研討會將探討中國為生物科技公司提供加速臨床試驗發展的重要機會。 觀看 載入更多